cruise two

the grape stake of new jerky iz a car state. mass transportation iz limited to big cities to big cities. if it aint rush hour during duh work week ,well, schedules are 30 minnits at best and 45 minnits and an hour usual.

i cannot take a bus directly to my current job or my previous job. i knew a guy who tuk a bus from my town to where i used to work he had to take 3 buses to get there. he had to take a bus away from work to catch a bus going to work.

so everyone uses personal transport, i.e. cars. itz the way things are. some big cities like newark or hack & sack have lots of buses. but for every bus holding fifty folks you can bet there are 100 cars behind it.

the grape stake of new jerky haz lotz of roads and highways. i know most of dem. some side roads are very quaint and scenic.

the 4th of july iz a national holler day. i got up early and tuk a spin. heer it iz.

but i am skeered. wut wiff all deez sniper attacks. whites against blacks, blacks against whites. blacks against blacks, whites against whites (and spanish against spanish) and spinach against broccoli.

wen i go to work lots of under and over passes where duh roads meet and cross. lotz of places where some one can hide and do “target practice”.

i hope no one uses my videos to plot a killing spree.

on nice weekends, later in duh day, side roads get crowded wiff folks cruising. i stay home becuz pipple drive inconsiderate. so i can get shot by a sniper or kilt by a crappy driver mebbe doing DWI. really, i figger duh less i am on the roads the less likelihood i have of getting in an accident or in some one’s cross hairs.

uhmerika iz a fucked up place. still, iffen you be afraid to drive deez roads you can do it virtually by watching my videos. i iz running the risk for you.

and…lawr in force mint can study deez videos to patrol vunerable areas.

in other newz my corrupt and corpulent gooberner, crispy crisp, stopped all road repair projects. in my town, white milf in pig sack county, “they’ started resurfacing 3 roads. the old asphalt was removed and the lower surface grooved. at the two ends of each section “they” beveled a 6 inch drop off. but now, “there’s no money” to finish the jobs. funny how there wuz money to put up signs saying this here road project wuz funded by such and such goobermint entity. heh-heh! i laff.

the goobermint came up wiff dee bright eye deer of jacking up the fuel tax 23 cents a gallon wiff an option to go to 43 cents a gallon. as a trade off the state sales tax wuz to drop to 6% from 7%. now the fuel tax takes effect right away but the sales tax takes a yeer to kick in. i guess the politicians were afraid of bean voted out by irate and disgruntled citizens so it never happened.

a 12.5 cent per gallon tax iz already in effect. it wuz supposed to fund road and bridge and mass transit AND be dedicated to just dat. but the state used dat revenue stream to borrow against. so now it all goes to service duh debt. i suspect doze bastids intend to do duh same wiff the 23 cent increase.

basically we are serfs held hostage by a self serving goobermint elite. some road projects were started actually making some roads worse than the pot hole dat were deer and now we all haz to drive true duh mess left behind which just indicates the politicians are just fucking with us. i pay high taxes right now. where does all the money go? billions of dollars are unaccounted for. itz heer one minnit den gone duh next. the coffers are full or empty on the whims of powerful people wiff hidden agendas.

i am a terrorist just by pointing it out. i am just as bad as any sniper taking pot shots at passers by but those assholes running dee show get a free pass at fucking things up. it shudnt be this way but it iz. either way duh little guy haz to duck.

“a queer he him”

“a queer he him” iz wonk speak for aquarium. still, one can have a gay time deer fur shore.

yeerz ago i went to dee state aquarium @ camdem. althought duh facility iz right on the river and nice, if you make a wrong turn you end up in a post apocalyptic burned out city right out of road warrior.

actually i ben deer a few times. itz often crowded wiff mom and pop and buddy and sis and worse, lit ill babbies and or skool chillen running around like untamed beasts.

i went deer once and it wuz almost empty. wut i like iz dee murmur of duh crowds and snatches of conversations dat make no sense, gen you whine hipster noise. in these vidz deer aint no sound. some DVD playerz will fast pitch sound during fast forward (chipmonk helium speak)but not diss one.

well, uhmerika is messed up. fish swim a a leisurely pace but dat aint good enough for youtube. i ran diss 2x fast forward becuz everyone iz ADD.i had to walk through the displays 3 times to get to see some fish wiffout my fellow primates standing in dee way. i also ran ran it true a vid processor for sharpening and desaturated this 20 yeer old video tape.

cruising one

a trip to REI. last chance power drive.avoiding broken heroes. i ran out of tape on the way back. but life iz like dat, ending abruptly.

loop to tar-get

i gotz me youtube channel. i take lotz of traffic dash cam videos. where i live, in the grape stake of new jerky, we haz lotz of roads. during rush hour dey be mostly congested. so i go out early on weekends before all the party boyz and girlz get up to clog duh roads again goan shopping.

wot i do iz burn a DVD from a mini DV camcorder i bought back in 2007. den i play it agin at 2x fast forward. becuz i haz DSL i break duh video into 7 minnit chunks and make a playlist. heer iz a sample.

Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr.

i grew up wiff Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr. on the TV. mebbe you noze him bedder az Muhammad Ali.

he died recently after living in obscurity for a long time. everyone sed he wuz a great man wen he died.

well, he might have ben up until dat last fight where he had hiz ass handed to him. in fact he wuz punched stupid, very stupid. he had hiz brains scrambled. i doan think a great man wud make such a serious error in judgment. sure, he had lotz o’ money to tide him over but hiz quality of life wuz compromised. when it happened it wuz truly sad to see how stupid he got. clay’s problem wuz he believed hiz own bullshit even after he got fat and sloppy.

he cheated on hiz wife but everyone glosses over dat. look at all dee white folks who got caught cheating and paid the price.

bill clinton , john edwards, eliot spitzer, gary harte and dont forget white generals and some white actors who got caught and lost careers. JFK used to be great but not so much now.

lucklishly clay haz faded back into obscurity just like the former artist known as prince. he died from an over dose abusing drugs.

current events and short attention span have yanked duh spot lite away from clay.

seems to be double standard about wut makes a man great. some guys can fuck around and it doan hurt the rep while others get ruined.

uhmerika iz all bullshit any way. bee leave me, i know, born and razed here. seen it all. itz a freek show.