“CAT” mirror lens shoot out

i got me sum mirror lens and i do video shoot . Quantaray 500 & 300. Sakar 500  plus combos with 2x extenders. close range 25 foot.

and so it goze

so far this summer i haz ben using solar carts regular on weekends to brew coffee, bake brade n cook oat meal. the panels on dee roof haz ben putting juice back into duh system so i getz me A/C wiff out having to pay duh man. az usual dis can change “over nite”.

i jest had a heet wave. 90 degrees F and high humidity. only tree dayz. a real cold front is coming true wiff 80 degree highs n cool nites wiff low humidity. i expect another low utility bill.
i work 32 miles south n east. thermometer in car shows 6-10 degree difference. i’m lower. itz brutal down there. duh faktory iz like an oven.
i keep reading bad things about white pippl. we should give all our money to pippl who arent white then die. itz all over dee internet. every nation except uhmerika iz good. uhmerika iz evil. uhmerika iz dee new nazis.
and trump? he’s hitler and satan rolled inter won. bean an old white man i haz to vote for him. blaquez vote for blaquez, spanish for spanish and folks who dont identify binary zex vote for pippl who arent binary. itz dee way of dee wold. when doze pippl do it itz OK. but if i do it itz bad. everything i do iz bad. i drink coffee, bad, i drive to work, bad, i buy things, bad. bad, Bad, BAD! still, trump wuz/iz/will be dee most entertaining.
some say hillary iz evil. some say bernie iz evil, some say any of the rest are evil. i expect day all be evil. things jest doan look promising. the oceans have ben over fished, the air, water n ground haz ben polluted. warz every where. suffering all around. so i shud be guilty? i say we blame the robber barons who raped dee erff for a buck. kill dem instead of me.
i’m sort of pissed off. if deer wuz a caravan of dweebz i wud jump on it. i’m pissed becuz i doan have a country to go back to. itz not fair. the goobermint shud create a new country dat citizenz can move to illegally. i wander why every won else is trying to get out of weer day are. sure, sure, uhmerika iz bombing the crap out of many places. but den so are udder countries. iz china a good place for an old white uhmerikan to move to? how about russia? any of doze souff uhmerikan countries?will day welcome me wiff open arms n food n money n health kair? i doan think so. are any of dem bilingual where i pick a fone and it sez press 2 for english? all street signs and product have local language and english? the goobermint provides translators? nope.
spex i jest haz ter move to sum udder part of dee good old USA weer property taxes arent so high. not too hot, not too cold, not too much rain, not enuff rain, low crime….oh forget it. i think everything iz bean manipulated for dee advantage of a few. all dee rest of us uhmerikans are a by product. az soon az we aint kneaded dey will get rid of us, all of us, poor whites, blaquez, spanish, non binary, all of us. looks like pretty soon. dee erf will become talos 4 jest like in dat STOS episode wiff cappin pike.
the rich n powerful n the well connected will have AI contolled robots to do everything while dey just experience. yup, i predict dis. it will happen. dey are doing it right now. forget shape shifting reptilans or time traveling nazis or interdimentional machine elves.

kat a stroffic ax uh dent

today turdz day, i wuz in dee home stretch of dee after work commute, about 2 miles. all of a sudden duh pipplz in front of me slammed on brakes while simultaneously i sawr an over turned car protruding length wise into the on coming lane. it haz ben raining sum wut hard but not just right now. a moderate shower after a heavy downpour.


i dont know wut happened for dis veichle to flip and end on roof and wheels to sky. traffic wuz lite also. deer iz a pullout and sum carz were deer and won pussin did a “K” turn to go back. i did not stop becuz i am not a trained EMT. i wud suppose dat doze udder folkz haz already notified dee goobermint motor traffic constables. so i whizzed by.


i consider me self lucky becuz iffen i had got stuck behind a truck goan reel slow i wud have gotten deer during the accident investigation and dee road wud have ben closed. i wud have had a nasty commute home bean stuck within walking distance. 1/2 hour at leest, 1 hour or more possible.


perhaps tomorrow and more so the cops will be out ticketing folkz speeding. i will have to be kairful. the kopz dont prevent crime, they are more like janitorz cleaning up dee mess. they will randomly pull pippl over on dee way home frum/to work and write tickets, generate revenue.


perhaps drugs were involved. cud deer have ben a drag race? smart fone usage? distracted driving becuz sex? so itz a 3 lane road, two up dee hill and won down. deer are “S” turns the hole way. i consider me self lukky becuz i missed seeing the accident, mebbe even bean a part of it but i also got deer soon enuff before duh poe leese arrived and shut everything down.


were the pipplz who stopped trained in triage or treating traumatic injuries? did dey know how to extract an injured pussin from an automobile wreck? i though it best to leave such things to dee pros.



joo lie sebbin 2019

joo lie sevvinf started off klawdy. i dashed to grocery store at 7 am den dropped off goodz and went to famous dept store to make credit card payment. i tuk me kamera wiff me. in dee way home i stopped & tuk sum foe toes. traffic stated to pick up az folks returned from dee long holler day weekend.
on joo lie forf uhmerika declared independence from dee blood backz and mad king george. sumpin about taxes. DAY-UM! mebbe itz time for an udder declaration of independence becuz taxes are pooty bad.
however by the time i got back home around 10 am dee sun came out full blast. i wuz able to brew coffee, cook oatmeal and bake brade using duh solar carts sans mains power. i like getting those things done early to allow bat treez to recharge. having more dan won cart meenz any won bat tree bank doan get discharged too deeply.
i decided to vote for vlad putin POTUS in 2020. if trump starts deporting illegals i may change my mind. i wuz rite about trump bean dee most entertaining. duh crowded democratic field iz full of lozer wanna beez. in uhmerika blaquez vote for blaquez, wimmin vote for wimmin anf gayz vote for gayz. it iz proper and natcheral. me bean an old white guy…well…i haz ter vote for dee old white guy.
i am looking for wayz to be a hero wiffout killing or bean killed. for a long time now i doan eat fish. ocean resources are bean mismanged and treated like an inexhuastable resouce. we all know better but you want doze shrimpz and lobsterz. i love tuna. i haznt had tuna in yeerz. i doan wanter be the guy who eats dee last tuna. besides from over fishing, the alpha primates seem to be using dee oceans az a dump and waste pit. i kant stop dat becuz deer iz too much money to be made.
sum famous sports star sez uhmerika is dee worst country on earf but he wont leave it. just complains about flags. on hiz say so, sneaker manufacturers change designs dat bother him. he makes untold millions of uhmerikan dollarz playing sports. i work in a faktory. i wont buy dat company’s sneakers nor will i buy a ticket to see this sports star play. my opinion meenz nothing. FART!
itz all over dee internet, uhbmerika and white pipplz shud die. i red a new virus never seen before in uhmerika makes folkz allergic to eating meat and the internet sez we shudnt eat meat. well, FART! i seldom eat meat becuz i figger animalz have feelings. i am not a complete vegga-teer-ian. but almost. i like cheeze and eggz. they can make lab meat now so animalz doan suffer. i wonder if boffinz can make alpha primate meat so we can be cannibalz?
i bought a bag of potato chips. wen i open dee bag dey are unbroken! i submit to you den we will know when civilization iz over when potato chipz are delivered all smashed up. wen you caint buy industrial booze, wen deer iz no more prozac or adderall, wen you doan have to pay taxes. den we will know civilization iz over.
that famous sports star…i wonder iffen he will complain about 50th celebration of uhmerikan white man on dee moon? i say uhmerika shud be ashamed of dat fact. i say uhmerika shud just say it wuz a hoax and let china say dey got deer first. the nazis helped us wiff operation paper clip. in fact every site where uhmerika landed on dee moon shud be nooked to remove every trace of white men getting deer. we shud all agree dat dat famous sports star iz dee first man to go to dee moon.
if you think about it, becuz dat famous sports star isnt a woman nor trans gender nor gay hiz whole life iz invalid. becuz HE iz a rich man, so very very rich, no won shud lissen to a god damned thing he sez. FART!

forf of joo lie


i got me self off on forf of joo lie. i staid home. brewed coffee and cooked oatmeal wiff solar carts sans mains power. DAY-um! it wuz hawt. got up tp 90 F briefly. A/C full blast all day but roof top solar negated the cost. it didnt cost me anything. i stuck it to the man by not spending money. besides not consuming gaz-o-leen means less suffering for doze disenfranchized folkz wut live on top of oil fields. less environmental destruction. i iz a HERO!
however, i had ter got ter work on dee fiff of joo lie. roadz empty but lotz of poe lease activity.
sadder day, terday, it iz berry clawdy. well, i’ll stay home agin to save money. unfortunately i had to brew coffee & cook oatmeal using mains power. it did get party klawdy later but didnt know dat earlier & it can rain any time.
az summer progresses the hum did itty haz gawn up. high 80’s during day & 69-70 @ nite. i shut off 2 A/C at nite just leaf won on in dee bed room. today i haz em on low fan.
bak in 2018 the grape stake of noo jerky siffered a 10 day “heet dome”, i lost 2 searz kenmore winder units. won wuz close to 20 yeerz old, duh udder wuz over ten. day wuz upscale units wiff remote and temp display along wiff graphical indication of fan and mode. dey always worked well maintaining a constant set temp. i wuz sorry to see dem go. the cost wuz over 200 uhmerikan dollarz.
i went to home despot to pick up replacement. for $160 i got GEE EEE. had remote and LED temp on unit. if i set it at 73 then it runs until it hitz 69. if i set at 74 it wont turn on to 79. this yeer 2019 i decided to try the energy saving setting with auto fan.
when i come home inside iz 77-78 and 50 % hum did itty while out side is in the 80’s and 65+ hum did itty. when i do get home i switch to cool mode and fan high until sun sets. according to real time usage app from electric co. i am saving a bunch of electric. itz funny doh. i never came home with the units on in energy saving mode but they must come on becuz house wud be at least as hot as out side. i haveA/C on during day for kat and besides it takes forever to cool down hot house. AND wen i put dem back in cool mode dey behave much bedder wiff holding temps. 73 now sees 71-76 witch iz more normal.
i bought a reel cheep fridgid air A/C for 120 umerikan dollarz from tar git. seems to work well. will i get ten yeerz out of any of deez? time will tell.
@ nite wiff temps around 69 if hum did itty iz high, 70%, well dat iz stil on comfortable. on dee udder hand a nite @ 69 wiff low hum did itty, say 55% iz ideal. den duh winderz open & fanz run. right now dat iz happenning only once a week. duh udder dayz bean sticky. still just won A/C in dee bed rom doesduh trick. duh seson of 60/60 iz gawn for now although tues next iz predicted to have 50’s @ nite.
saving dee environment iz a side gig. keeping money in me pocket iz plan A. FART!

duh lass day of joon 2019

sadder day yet agin i wuz able to brew coffee and cook oatmeal using my solar carts, off loading from mains power. gaw-DUH! smiles on once moor even dough i know dat deer R udder folkz wut needz gawwwwdz help worst dan me self.
duh umerikan farmerz of dee mid west got hammered agin wiff flooding rain. the 2019 growing season iz crap. i still see and buy canned veggablz on sale. i’m stocking up foe dee famine.
palestine iz still bean hammered along wiff dee sudan and doze udder war ravaged countries of the middle east and africa.
some boffins did a study. sitting on yur a$$ for 8 hours at work is ok but sitting on yur a$$ watching big screen TV for 8 hourz iz bad for you… talk about fake nooze!
another study showed dat most medicines are only 33% effective and sum are deadly. well, who didnt know dat. duh same study went on about how vit uh minz are only 13% effective. it seems to me dat vit uh mins are 100% effective for curing and preventing scurvy, rickets and beriberi [ or so i red, i’m not a doktor nor do portray won on TV]. FART!
i also changed dee oil & filter in dee car, changed dee household water filters, mowed dee lawn, trimmed sum shrubz & am doing laundry. i also recycled 4 gallons of used motor oil. i take plastic, glass and metal containerz to recycle. china doan whan our trash no moe. well, i think datz war right deer. we shud beet dem fare and square and make dem take our garbage wedder dey wanter or not!
i get independence day off thursday the 4th of july. dis iz good. it breakz up dee week. i’ll buy a six pack n celibate.
july iz de 50th anniversary of uhmerikan white guyz goan to dee moon. histroy kneadz some serious revison on dat. itz all racist becuz deer were no blaque pipplz involved wiff goan to dee moon. look at videos and photos of dee day and prove me rite! everything white men do iz bad, so goan to dee moon iz bad. plus we had dee nazis help us.
everything blaque, hizpanic or azenz do iz good. itz on dee internet. white pipplz shud do duh wold a favor and do demselves in. itz on dee internet!
sadder day wuz very hot 88 degrees F and very humid. massive thunderstormz jest sowf of me and jest norf of me. hi diddle diddle i wuz in dee middle. the POA canceled fireworks display anyway to be rescheduled in durdy dayz. today sunday is 5 degrees cooler wiff lower humdiddy. i ran de A/c full blast yisterdee but all off only fanz today.

& dat lukky old sun rolls around hebben all day!


sadder day  joon 21 i wuz able ter brew coffee, cook oatmeal and bake brade once agin wiffout mains power. AND next day sunday [today] i wuz able to brew coffee and cook oatmeal too!

by bean so froo jill i haz accomplished a electric bill of 5 uhmerikan bux. in dee grape steak of new jerky you cant have a negative electric bill. you have to pay some dumba$$ society fee. i am supposed to get a bonus on my anniversary in october. mebbe dis yeer we shall see what we see. new yok pulled dee plug on coal, oil  and @ tommik and want all wind and solar. my electric co is based in new yok. of course rates are goan ter sky rocket. if i sit in me house and do nuttin den i can git low billz. charge an electric car? “they” have made electric az expensive az gaz-o-leen! order for me to live dee gud solar live i wud have ter double my panelz for a total of 16 KW.

lucklishly duh wedder haz remained mild during the day and kul at nite.  “they” say warmer more summer like temps next week but “they” have ben predicting dat all along.

i iz happy. i hope dat doan make you unhappy enough to jinx me.

i herd dat the whales and porposes have ben dying and boffins dont know why [ poisoning the air, water and soil haz nuttin to do wiff it]. the farmerz in uhmerkian mid west stopped planting diz yeer becuz too much rain.

Palestine iz bean hammered. ebola in dee congo and warz and rapes and needless killing. migrants on dee move every where, trying to find a bedder life at risk of death. some drown at sea on make shift over loaded boats, some die crossing barren landscapes.

so i got lucky and had sum sunny dayz. wud you begrudge me dat? iz trump evil or iz hillary evil? how about biden or bernie? look at dee choices “they” give me.

i heer things are pooty bad in china and russia. but things a great in china and russia. lotz of strange things happening.

dont hate on me becuz i wuz born in dee land of plenty. still, i wander iffen i will get to know wut it iz like to be vaporized by an @ tommik bomb. i live reel close to NYC. i expect itz in every wonz cross hairz. maybe we all will be vaporized. deerz enough bombz to remove duh erffz crust.

this guy i work wiff tells me about all the weak end shootings in hiz town, newark. den deerz potty sum and camden all post apocalyptic cities in dee grape steak of new jerky. drug abuse iz all over. duh citizens are abusing their freedom to make poor life choices.

but, you see, i saved me some juice and stiffed duh MAN! letz regal in dat, for now. shant we?

bad wedder


more rain for nex 4 dayz. so duh panels on dee roof made almost 8 KW in heavy overcast with a slight break of cloud bright. but temps didnt get much above 75 F.

az soon az i pull inter dee driveway i thank gaaaw-DUH! for letten me git home. den i tuk sum grass seed otter de garage and spread it around dee back yard. i jest mowed it friday last, still short. now the seed will get a good so-ken. i alwayz chuk down grass seed to choak out nuisance weedz. i also buy cheap ground coffee n use dat az fertilizer.

the rain iz helpful to me to make duh grass grow. it keeps militant bicyclists offen dee road. i still make some solar juice and mild wedder helps becuz no need for A/C, see?

still wen duh klawdz cleer up den the panelz go full blast. climate change may be hap pen ning becuz it shore seems more wetter n cooler den usual. although last yeer wuz wet and warm. so it just showz dat we have more climate chaos rather than a trend.

still, dem folks in dee uhmerikan mid west or in japan  haz lotz worse den me. shall we see how bad it ken git?

the just and the unjust


eye done did do brew coffee, cook oatmeal and baked braid this saturday wiff dee solar carts, completely independent from mains power. although the day started overcast it turned bright and sunny. az dee day wuz warm wiffout bean hot and also dry i didnt knead A/C. i wuz able to bank all dat sunshine inter juice for dee elctric utility. in dee past 30 dayz i only used 10 KW, which is less dan 2 box!
now i iz entering a klawdy period of weather. still mild for dis time of yeer, it bean joon and all. today only got to 78 briefly. it iz humid and i turned the A/C awn to mitigate dampness. however, day go off right a zunzet.
i like klawdy weather az much az sunny becuz it thwarts militant bicyclists. day say shear duh road but hog it.
in duh grape steak of new jerky, where i live, duh roadz are in a state of disrepair n neglect. some roadz are bean dug up to lay pipes n wirez but day are patched in a manner to make dem jest az crappy az dey were before. i sort of like dis becuz it makes bicycling harder. wiff duh unsettled weather rain can happen any wear at any time. i jest luv seeing dem bicyclists all draggly wet.
in fakt i haint seen many.
i used to bicycle yeerz ago wen deer wuz much less traffic. i used to get up early on weekends for an hourz jaunt. wen i used to work 2nd shift i wud take a trip around the long block between 8 am and 11:30 am.
knot anymore, i gave up street biking. i doan even like driving in my car on many roadz. yet heer iz sum duma$$ in speedo’s in horrible rush hour traffic thinking he haz a manifest destiny.
firstly all doze karz is emitting noxious fumes and nano particles. dumba$$ iz breathing it all in. big trucks, clunkerz, SUV’s, mebbe impaired drivers, nope, Nope, NOPE! mam n pap didnt raise such a foolish chy ill.
every won payz high rent n high taxes but deer are no bike lanes. pot holes and strips of black top missing. mebbe eye iz slightly sympathetic to bikerz except dat dey want me to yield while driving my car AND when i am walking. so i say fuck ’em. i hope it rains and keepz demm off dee roadz. they are hogs of dee road. wen i see bikerz following duh roolz of dee road i start respecting them. when bikerz share duh road i will say nice things about dem.

if it doan rain n itz sunny den i get me juice from dee solar panels. itz a win win sittee a shun.



i do QC work for a top tier bottom feeder defense contractor. i get to see all the mistakes everyone makes. when i find a product procedure below standard i issue a NCM ticket.

non conforming material tickets list the defect type, the part i.d. and a unique tracking number. this company has managed to generate 500 NCM in six months of 2019.

many are cosmetic, scratches, dents, burrs, bad finish or painting. then there are bad dimensions or missing features or extra features or orientation. i have two coworkers who generate NCM with me.

once a day a MRB is held to review the NCM. the QC manager, production manager and engineer are members of the material review board. for the longest time, it seems that what every NCM we presented is was UAI, use as is. only the most severe or critical deviations were addressed for rework.

reworks are supposed to be issued a special rework router to track labor and or material costs. the most severe reworks created scrap. the usual method would be to rework on the NCM.

NCM arent reported to corporate as opposed to rework router that can be tracked through manufacturing software. NCM reworks are considered the most minor.

besides from excessive in house NCM our vendors had issues with quality. however, any vendor problem that can be reworked was done so. our vendors were never called out for slip shod processes.

i missed an improper weld from a vendor and the plant manger got all bent and snotty even though i “fessed up” to it. i decided to demonstrate to him what QC really is.

a fellow didnt follow the NCM MRB process. he emailed sales before he notified QC then processed customer supplied product and supposedly return the defective product. sales got all down in our face about having to issue a credit becuz the customer said they didnt get the defective product for review.

i emailed all parties about the proper NCM MRB procedure requirements. then i asked everyone how the company will prevent this from happening again. it was a preemptive move to make sure i wasnt blamed for “the missing product”.

concurrently another outside vendor supplies some product that were out of tolerance on many features and was inconsistent over a few samples. i wrote up a NCM and the MRB decided to UAI. when it came time to ship i told my boss i couldnt sign the FAI, first article inspection, becuz of bad dimensions. he decided to ask for a deviation by submitting a dimensional inspection only.

the production manger wanted to ship this product that day but it got held up waiting for authorization of deviations.  the product manager saw fit to skip a detailed in process receiving inspection becuz he wanted to meet a shipping/billing schedule. this manager does this all the time.  production manager always says UAI for most everything. itz his say so at MRB that sets the tone for the company’s quality or lack of. now i feel obligated to thwart his motives. we just recently had a big reject from a source inspector and corporate is snooping around.

quality is a stern mistress. every jot and jiggle haz to be duly noted and recorded for disposition. itz all very exacting and time consuming. the production manager tells everyone to “ship it”. the production manger says thing like, “it goes on top, bottom or back, no one will see it”. he always has an excuse to UAI. except when things go wrong then he forgets about his philosophy. i have decided to help him forget his philosophy premenantly….and cover my own ass. why should i help him by turning a blind eye or approving his suggestions to expedite the product? it sux.