02-28-2011 email to POTUS

heh-heh! i saw your you tube speech about “sacrifice”. did gold man sax sacrifice? did ben bernancke sacrifice? did paulson sacrifice? did geithner sacrifice? did sommers sacrifice? did GM big wig sacrifice? did you sacrifice? how about any of the bushes or billy boy? nope. and that makes you an idiot and a moron. why?  for taking advice from those people and the people  who gave you advice about the gulf of mexico oil spill. did wayward hayward sacrifice anything?
you cant seriously think i will sacrifice anything unless i am forced to.  i already have sacrificed my future to the bankster elites who control you and the goober mint. please sacrifice your stupidity for the good of the nation.

email to dc rep fed 23 2011

i read the u.s. army is stock piling rubber bullets for crowd control. i read the usa and canada have a reciprocal agreement where they will send each other’s troops to each country in the event of a civil technological and natural disaster.and we have extension after extension of the fascist unpatriot act.we also have massive unemployment and foreclosures and record braking bonuses for the bankster elite. the goober mint gives away trillions of dollars to the rich while the average citizen carries the burden of paying for it all.
the usa supports democratic revolutions all over the world. will the usa support a democratic revolution here?
remember the WW1 vets who camped out in washington awaiting their discharge bonuses? congress ordered the troops to fire on them.
no doubt the federal goober mint will take a lesson from quack daffy in lybia and fire on it’s own citizens.
i bet you would vote yes to use deadly force against peaceful protesters.
i noticed you voted yes for $555 billion dollar pentagon budget. where’s my cut? i have to work in a dirty filthy unsafe and unhealthy factory and make just enough money to stay in my house and eat?
i aint getting my $45,000 worth. that’s how much pundits say every man woman and child in the usa owns to the national debt. i am 55 years old and have never received any service or benefit from the federal goober mint equaling $45,000. best you take it from the $450,000 bonuses wall street got.
hey! look at that, pundits say every one owes $45.000, one tenth of the average bankster bonus.


i am childless. i just know i would be a bad parent. one reason is a  lack of money. experts say child abuse is passed down. my pap beat me and i knew i would beat my children. it is what i was taught. pap worked  3 jobs and came home exhausted. no time for help with school work or making model air planes or sitting in the back yard looking for shooting stars.

we had clothes and food and a roof over our heads and beatings. i was 15 years old before we got a color tv. we never went to disney land although we did go to the 1964 world’s fair.

i figure that i would not have enough money to give my children the things they need. i would come home exhausted from work with no time for home work, making model air planes or sitting in the back yard looking for shooting stars. i would never take my kids to disney land or go scuba diving in cancun. in short they would have had wants and desires i could not fullfil and they would hate me and i would beat them. the circle would be complete.

and they in turn would learn that you beat your children.

mam and pap would often tell me even as an adult, ” good sons and daughters dont ask their parents for help”. yup, that brutal. pap did inquire about my status many years later. i always replied, “the same as always” with no details. they trained me too well. he stopped asking.

i understand there are parents who help their children. they give them sound advice and financial aid when necessary.

the problem is uhmerika is a sick nation with a broken society. just as pap had to work long hours so do many other paps and now a days mams. children grow up with outbursts of anger from frustration and failure. supervisors and bosses, psychotic ans psychopathic, threaten parents with starvation and homelessness. “work hard and long for very little money or i will fire you!”, they say. parents take it and take it, go home and beat their kids.

minimum wage…heh-heh! as i write this it’s $7.50 an hour in new jerky. they had a commission recently recommend it not be raised. one aspect they used for the decision was the cost of living in this fair state. just imagine a bunch of guys making $100,000 or more coming to the conclusion that one can live within a 100 mile radius of new york city on $7.50 an hour.

i currently make $16 per hour. THAT is minimum wage. i can pay my property taxes, utility bill, phone bill (POTL), internet, insurance, food, service a small revolving debt and still buy one six pack a week AND take my girl friend out to low cost or free venues. that’s it! no saving for retirement or having  3 months emergency savings in the bank or buying a new car or going to disney land or scuba diving in cancun. i have no kids. i live by myself.

i am very low down and ornery. i could not imagine being a good and kind and gernerous parent on this money. how can any commission conclude there is no need to raise the  official minimum wage?  because the elite want it that way. they want parents to beat their children. the elite dont want generations of well adjusted, reasonable and intelligent families. they want emotionally crippled citizens who cant think straight so they can O!-pressed and exploited.

my brudder is an alcoholic junkie. it appears to me it is a result of pap’s beatings. i am an under achiever. two failures. i should procreate new life into the cycle of failure?  i’m 55. with any luck it is just too late.

once a brother in law mentioned to me he caught his son surfing porn on the internet. he asked, “what am i supposed to do?” and what sort of advice should i have given? beat the crap out of him like my pap done to me?

my mam now a days is very protective of the grand children. we all must be “HAPPY!” at any family gathering with no bad vibes or negative thoughts. funny, mam never told pap not to beat us. we got tons of bad vibes and negative thoughts. but then mam was rather phony.

uhmerika is phony.




i was wondering why you didnt vote the first time around for the unpatriot act but you voted yes the second time around?why was there a second vote if the unpatriot act extensions were knocked down?
do we really need the apparatus of totalitarianism and fascism?
and what of the peaceful revolution in  egypt and now all over the middle east? are revolutions only good for other nations?
can a time come when we need a revolution in the good old usa?i think that time is nearing. i am leaning towards joining the peaceful revolution. isnt that why you guys need an extension of the unpatriot act? the usa was created from a revolution. i was taught that in school.
“We welcome… laid off workers and victims of forced evictions to participate in demonstrations, shout slogans and seek freedom, democracy and political reform to end ‘one party rule’.” this was posted on the internet from chinese dissidents but it sure sounds like they were talking about the good old usa. the chinese dissidents  have “disappeared”. i’ll warrant the unpatriot act will make many american dissidents “disappear”.
why is unemployment so high and bankster bonuses so high?
pundits are spreading a great lie across the various media. they say every man woman and child in the usa owes between $45,000 and $90,000 because of the national debt. didnt most of that money go to the crooked wall street bankster elite? arent they the ones who owe that money? arent they the ones who reaped ( or more correctly raped) the benefit of public largess?
they have so much money they can hire corrupt pundits to spread these lies until it becomes accepted. but they wont hire folks to run the factories and offices in the usa.
our elected officials do nothing because they are owned by the very same crooked wall street bankster elite. “citizen we have no money for you and your benefits and entitlements. you must work hard for very little money and then get old quickly and die.”
that’s the message i get. i guess the crooked wall street bankster elite aint getting their  propaganda value.maybe you can tell them for me.


Thank you for contacting me to share your objections to extending the Patriot Act.  I appreciate learning of your views.


I share your concerns regarding excessive overreach by the federal government.  I am committed to reducing burdensome government regulations and intrusions into our private lives.  At the same time, we must ensure our intelligence agencies have the resources they need to protect our nation.  I look forward to continuing to work with my colleagues on many issues important to our national defense and will keep your concerns in mind as we consider expiring provisions of the Patriot Act.


Please be assured I will work with my colleagues to keep our nation safe while respecting the rights guaranteed to Americans by our founding fathers.


Thank you for contacting me. As Congress debates solutions to the challenges facing our nation, I hope you will continue to share your thoughts and views with me. Should you have any further questions or comments about this or any legislative issue, please do not hesitate to contact me in my Washington, D.C. office at (202) 225-4465. Also, please visit me at www.facebook.com/repscottgarrettwww.youtube.com/repscottgarrett, and my website at www.house.gov/garrett to sign up for my e-newsletter for the latest updates from Washington, D.C. and around the district.


Scott Garrett
Member of Congress



so what will happen to mubarak’s billions? if the usa recovered 70 billion dollars it could be used to fund social security or pay for extended unemployment benefits.

i think i mentioned that all the banksters gave themselves $450,000 each after they got QE1 and QE2. what do we get , the citizens? higher taxes and reduced benefits. “we cant afford it”.” the country will go broke.” all the big boys got their cut and now the citizen gets cut out.

the patriot act extensions failed to be voted in but congress wants to vote on it again. why?

are all you guys afraid of an eygyptian style peaceful revolution?

george bush sed the constitution is just a piece of paper. george bush sed the the social security bonds put in the lock box are just pieces of paper. i dont remember you calling him out on it.

afghanistan is a stone age nation but we cant defeat the enemy with the biggest, baddest and most expensive military on the planet. it seems that is another nation where we send billions of dollars and it goes right into the secret bank accounts of corrupt politicians, many of them directly appointed by the usa. and we have you saying we must cut social security. we have you voting no on unem extensions. we have you suggesting that the property tax deduction be eliminated.

i am not sure i get anything for my federal taxes. i cant afford to fly so i havent had my crotch grabbed in the name of home land security.

and then there is the forgotten war in iraq. still spending billions there. but we cant afford social security.

all the time gold man sacks places it’S top people in the federal reserve and treasury and hands out billions and trillions to itself and other banks and big corporations that offshore jobs and lower wages.


my DC rep punks out on patriot act

editor’s note: my DC rep didnt vote yes or no to extend the patriot act hence this email reproduced here.

i see you didnt vote either way for the patriot act extension. why not? you should have voted with the majority to get rid of it. i grew up in a usa without the patriot act. it seems that every act has a name with the reverse meaning. there is nothing patriotic about the patriot act. it is the apparatus of totalitarianism and fascism. if the usa stops killing civilians with unmanned drones or having CIA operatives killing people in other countries maybe they will stop hating us for our freedoms. like the freedom to have a low paying job in a dirty, filthy, unsafe, unhealthy and dangerous factory or maybe even freedom from at job at all.
i paid my property taxes today. do you still think that the property tax deduction on federal income tax should be removed? each quarter i have to shell out over $2000. guess what? i dont take home $2000 a month in pay. so i am paying over 1/3 of my take home pay to the town. why would you want to eliminate such a tax break?  where do you get such strange notions? what is it that motivates you?
who is your counsel? where do you seek guidance from? i suggest a change.
as to civility…i aint shooting no one with a gun. i aint plotting the violent over throw of the goober mint. that is civility enough.
i could be much more civil if i got a $450,000 bonus and got to wear an armani suit like banksters did. being left with the short end of the stick has tempered any civility i have. be grateful i just email you. and you know what? you will do what ever you want because you know that nothing will happen.  except maybe these emails. you got off lightly indeed. i wish i wasnt so civil.

the devil is civil

civil discourse….yeah, right. gold man sacks placed all their former CEO’s into the fed and treasury and got trillions of dollars in goober mint hand outs and now the goober mint is saying the citizens must expect austerity. that means higher taxes and cuts in benefits.
you vote yes and yes and yes for every military expenditure. i work for a subcontractor of a subcontractor who all make stuff for the military.
all those billions and trillions of dollars you vote for is bypassing me. i tell you, i work in a dirty, filthy, unsafe, unhealthy and dangerous factory and i just barely get to stay in my house and eat. i come home dog tired and worn out physically and spiritually while the big boys wallow, yes wallow, in obscene wealth.
i see taxes go up. i see food go up. i see energy go up. my wages dont pace inflation. i got a $2000 a year raise. exactly what am i to do with that? after the feds and the state and the town take their cut i am left with very little. i dont want to hear about civil discourse. why? because all of the crooks who say, “we must be civil!” while the citizens are being defrauded by those self same civil crooks.
what is so civil about all those low paying jobs on craig’s list?

an automated reply fro DC rep

Thank you for taking the time to contact me. It is an honor to serve the people of New Jersey here in Washington, D.C., and your communication is a vital part of our legislative process.

The shooting of Rep. Giffords and others in Tucson, AZ, is a senseless tragedy and my thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families. As a nation, we must take thoughtful steps to ensure that this never happens again. Many have used this tragedy as a platform to push for further gun control reforms. In this particular case, the evidence has shown that it was an isolated incident, and I believe that restricting Second Amendment rights is not an appropriate response.

To that end, I am opposed to any measures that would impose limitations on the right to bear arms. I stand behind our Constitution and the fundamental rights the Second Amendment affords all Americans.

In addition, there are some who have called for more civil discourse from both politicians and media outlets. I am a strong proponent of free speech and the right to disagree, however I do not advocate name calling or threatening speech of any kind within our political discourse.

Once again, thank you for contacting me. As Congress debates solutions to the challenges facing our nation, I hope you will continue to share your thoughts and views with me. Should you have any further questions or comments about this or any legislative issue, please do not hesitate to contact me in my Washington, D.C. office at (202) 225-4465. Also, please visit me at http://www.facebook.com/repscottgarrett, http://www.youtube.com/ repscottgarrett, and my website at http://www.house.gov/garrett to sign up for my e-newsletter for the latest updates from Washington, D.C. and around the district.


Scott Garrett
Member of Congress

further banter with my duly elected rep in DC

i read that U.S.-financed Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak is worth 70 BILLION dollars! does that make him a hero? and…Super Bowl flyover costs taxpayers $450,000!!! looks like the usa has lots of money for brutal dictators and wasteful military displays. but none for social security. you yourself have proposed that the property tax deduction should be eliminated. you have voted no for extended unemployment benefits. you voted no for a national park at the great falls of paterson. but you always vote to increase the military budget. who gets that money? seems just the big boys. i work for a subcontractor of a subcontractor to the military industrial complex. i aint doing too good. i can pay my property taxes, utility bill, buy food and visit my girl friend. buy a new car? nope. save for retirement or any other financial emergency? nope. fly to bermuda and go scuba diving? nope. get my teeth fixed in a timely manner? nope.take my cat to the vet? nope. do major repairs around the house? nope. i guess i just aint a hero. notice all the cops getting shot and killed lately? too many to call them all heroes. and soldiers returning from irag and afghan wars? too many to call them all heroes. that is nonstop media coverage and follow up of their condition. and what of all the citizens being killed? aint they all heroes? i still remember the lady in newark who got shot and killed by gang cross fire in newark. she was waiting at a bus stop to go to a job interview. she is the biggest hero i know. she got two paragraphs in the star ledger a few years ago. no national coverage. no arrests made of her killers. she is forgotten. funny how certain people become heroes and others do not. funny how the goober mint has lots of money for dictators to oppress their people. funny how the goober mint has money for $450,000 fly overs but none for social security.funny how the goober mint has lots of money for banksters but none for citizens.hillary clinton sez there is too much money in illegal drugs to make it legal. i notice i dont read about heroin arrests in west milford any more. apparently there was only 12 drug users in the whole town. case closed. or is it?none of you guys is doing a good job of tending to the peoples business. nope, democrat, republican or what ever stripe, all doing a bad job.cant figger out why people would vote for a fellow who proposed to eliminate the federal property tax deduction.  or a fellow who votes no for unemployment extensions. or a fellow who wants to cut social security benefits. cant figger it out at all.