rich white men sez no work for you

“a nigger, bill gates, sez in 15 yeers from now, that is 2029, there aint gonna be no work for no one. machines will flip burgers. dat nigger sez skools are graduating dumbasses. he sez the world will be too complex. doesnt dat sound like a recipe for disaster? bill gtes wuz just recently upgraded to the richest man in the world.

THE RICHEST MAN IN THE WORLD SEZ KIDS WONT BE SMART ENOUGH TO GET WORK IN 15 YEERS! but dont tax dat bastid to improve skools. no way, tax working class stiffs like my self. dont give me good money for my job. no sir. dont give me as pension or medical insurance or hollerdayz  or sick days. just beat me down.

allan greenspam, another nigger, that is rich white man, sez the trick is to increase the quota of H-1B  visas. iffen our skools kaint produce the low paid workers we need just import dem from sommers else. yup, dat’s dee ticket. only a nigger wood think to do dat.

check out what diz nigger is sayn:

In the context of income inequality, Greenspan put the H-1B program in his light: If the program were expanded, income wouldn’t necessarily go down much, “but I bet you they would go down enough to really make an impact, because income inequality is a relative concept. People who are absolutely at the top of the scale in say 1925 would be getting food stamps today,” said Greenspan.

“You don’t have to necessarily bring up the bottom if you bring the top down,” said Greenspan.

this what rich white men have planned out fur dumb uhmerikans. mebbe it is best if russia turns us into radioactive ash. stick a fork in our asses and turn us over. we is done!

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